Blount Library
Franklinville, NY
Strategic Plan
Submitted by:
Jessica Frank, Library Director
(716) 676-5715
In 1839, the Franklinville Library Society was established with the sum of $100.00. In 1898, a Magazine and Library Club was organized by Mrs. Isadore McVey to obtain books and magazines and was set up in Morgan Hall on Park Square, and a bookmobile serviced Cadiz and Fitch. Through the efforts of the NYS Senator George Spring, President of the Library Board, Col. Henry Blount was contacted for his support. He eventually donated $5000.00 to help with building the original facility on the present site. An application was made to the Carnegie Corporation, and they agreed to give the sum of $2200.00 if the town would maintain the Library yearly.
The Library was supported through the Town and Village of Franklinville and the Franklinville Central School, together with donations from various organizations and patrons, until 2007 when the Library became a separate line of school tax assessments.
Kathryn Hawley, who was the Librarian from 1927 to 1974, left a large gift approximately $225,000.00, which was the basis of a building fund, and together with the donation of a lot from the Town of Franklinville and a mortgage, we built a 2600 square foot addition on the back of the original building, which is operating with more business hours and greater patron visits.
In 2009, an addition was made to the original building which increased the size of the library. The square footage is now 4081.
Library Board Trustees
Jessica Jordan, Acting President
Melissa Willey, Secretary
Janice Snyder, Bookeeper
Pat Schwartz
Kim Palmatier
Kirstin Brown
Karen Zale
Linda Tanner
MaryAnna Buchanan
Terri Werwinski
Library Staff
Jessica Frank, Library Director
Ebook Statistics
The Blount Library will foster the spirit of exploration, lifelong learning, the joy of reading and the pursuit of information and knowledge for all ages and cultures.
Mission Statement
The Blount Library, Inc., our mission is to provide a source to anyone seeking to enrich his or her minds and lives through knowledge, because we believe education creates possibility.
We value:
- The involvement, participation and opinions of our patrons
- Intellectual development
- Literacy awareness for personal growth and pleasure
- Appreciation of the visual and performing arts
- Community betterment
- A desire for excellence
- Cooperation
- Inclusion – Blount Library welcomes and serves everyone.
- Access – We provide free information, programs and services that are open to all.
- Intellectual Freedom – We uphold the right to privacy and the right to seek, access and express diverse points of view.
- We are committed to transparency and accountability.
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Make the Library More Welcoming
- Provide an excellent facility
- Adjust hours if necessary to better serve the community
- Establish monthly themed book display
- Conduct annual community survey
Goal 2: Offer programs ,materials and services to meet the needs of all patrons
- Collaborate with local service organizations and serve a broader audience.
- Create regular adult programs.
- Expand print and electronic resources to meet the needs of all patrons.
- Collaborate with the school and other organizations to establish children and teen programs.
- Offer technological training for all ages, abilities and interests.
- Investigate service options to serve home bound patrons.
Goal 3: Increase Community Awareness of Library offerings
- Use social media to improve communications
- Increase library visibility at local events
Goal 4: Increase Trustee Training
- Establish new trustee welcome packet.
- Encourage all trustees to attend trainings by CCLS.
- Ensure that all trustees receive at least two hours of trustee training.