Blount Library Board Minutes
Thursday Sept 19, 2024

Members Present:

  • Jessie Frank, director
  • Kirstin Brown
  • Beth Chase
  • Linda Tanner
  • Terri Werwinski
  • Melissa Willey
  • Lisa Swaciak


Absent:  Kim Palmatier

The meeting was called to order at 6:03  pm by Melissa Willey

The secretary’s report was previously submitted via email to Beth Chase. Kirstin Brown motioned to accept it, and Melissa Willey seconded.  The motion was carried.

The Treasurer’s report:  was read by N/Amoved to accept the report and seconded.   The motion was carried.

The Director’s report:  Jessie Frank had the following to report:

  • Fire alarm update: The current one can no longer be used because we have VOIP (voice over Internet phone system).  Upgrading completely will cost $5000 (quoted from Johnson’s Controls) with 7 hours of labor.  There will be a direct line to the Fire Department. There is a yearly fee for the service.  There is also an annual “checkup” fee similar to a warranty, but we will forego that now and revisit it in a year. Linda Tanner motioned to approve.  Beth Chase seconded, all approved. 
  • Farmersville Community Days – Terri and Jessie promoted the library that day. 
  • Green Thumb Gardening – 1st Tuesday of every month- July – plants for a native garden – butterfly feeding stations – 12 attended  – August did concrete figures – 14 attended – September – composting lecture and kokedama making – 10 attendees –   October 8th winterizing your garden.
  • Summer Reading – 28 signed up, 12 consistent attendees – Cooking club, pipe cleaner craft, bags out of pet food bags, dyed shirts
  • Corning Pass—$300 for the year. Six to eight families used it last year. We voted to continue with it, as we feel it may gain popularity by word of mouth. 
  • Donations – Gary Clements $29,000 invested in CRF
  • Donations –  Carol Lucia – Carol’s daughter approached Jessie and they want to cover the sunroom fully!
  • Bathroom in the basement- the parts are here to reinstate the basement bathroom to bring us up to code. Work to be done by Zuech’s this fall
  • 200th Community Celebration – 12-2 will do an open house. 
  • Trunk or Treat: October 27th, 11 – 1. Kirstin and Melissa volunteered. The theme will be Spookly the Square Pumpkin.
  • New Board Members—We need 5 – 9. Linda Tanner (she will be done), Terri Werwinski (she will stay another term), and Melissa Willey (she is willing to stay on) are the only ones whose terms expire this year. Lisa Swaciak is willing to take over as President if Melissa does not want to. Revisit this. A couple of names for potential candidates are Paulette Green and Aimee Agett. Board members will approach them and ask them to come to our December meeting. 
  • NO Loitering Policy—Due to a couple of young adults in town who have been on the library property at all hours and doing unsavory things, we have realized the need for a “No Loitering Policy.” We drafted one. Kirstin Brown motioned, Lisa Swaciak seconded, and all approved it. It will become part of our policies. Also, as a result of this incident, we will be turning off the WiFi at 9 p.m. 
  • Also, on compliance, we will move the fish tank so the fire alarm to be accessible.


Beth Chas moved to accept the director’s report  Kirstin Brown seconded.  Motion carried.

Communications: N/A

Grant Committee: The Sunroom grant will no longer be pursued due to the generous donation.  Applying for CCRS mini-grant of $300 for worm and fish tank.  CCRS’s $1000 adult literacy grant is in the works as well. 

Old Business:  N/A

New Business: For new board members, see the Directors Report.  Pam Smith accepted the role of treasurer but does not want to be a voting member.  We would like to thank you for Janice Snyder’s work in the interim. 

Period for Public Expression:  N/A


Melissa Willey moved to adjourn the meeting at _7:03 pm, and Beth Chase seconded  it.  The motion was passed.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, 

Beth Chase


September 19 2024