Blount Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Friday September 24, 2021 3:30 P.M.

Roll call of members Kirstin Brown, Mary Anna Buchanan, Jessie Jordan, Kim Palmatier, Pat Schwartz, Linda Tanner, Melissa Willey, Karen Zale, Jessie Frank Director, and Janice Snyder guest. Absent Terry Werwinski.

Meeting was called to order at 3:32 P.M. by acting President Jessie Jordan.

Secretary report-disposition of the minutes of the previous regular meeting: Karen Zale moved to accept the minutes and Pat Schwartz seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Kirstin Brown moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Karen Zale seconded. Motion carried.

Director’s report: At the directors meeting it was discussed that a sexual harassment meeting needs to be completed by all on the board as soon as possible. Was completed by all at the meeting and Terry Werwinski will complete online. Conflict of interest has to be done annually. It was decided it should be done every January so as to include any new members.

Days the library will be closed now until the end of the year: Columbus Day 10/11/2021, Veterans Day 11/11/2021, Thanksgiving 11/24-11/26 2021, Christmas 12/24-12/31/2021. Possibly close more?

The Long Term Strategic plan needs to be updated. Pat Schwartz, Kim Palmatier, Jessie Jordan volunteered to meet with Jessie Frank on October 12th at 4 pm.

An annual report needs to be written and presented to the community. Discuss at the October meeting.

Need to adopt a policy that prohibits the filming of minors on social media etc. without written consent of guardian. First amendment audit.

AARP has offered an online smart driver class with a 25% discount since in person classes cannot be attended. Information is available with the library director. In person classes may be available in January 2022.

Art class on September 28th had 13 people signed up.

A fall pour painting class for 12 students will take place on October 5th or 12th.

Grant information: Kim Whitling and Donald Watkins will be joining Jessie to apply for an Art grant. They also applied for a 1099 and received $545 from an outreach mini grant focused on “diversity”. A variety of books were purchased and seven were donated to the elementary school.

A fall mini grant from the Cattaraugus community foundation of $200 to be used for the pour painting class.

Committee report: none to report

Communications: Thank you notes were mailed to all who contributed to the summer reading program.


Old Business: The CD should be closed soon.

The carpets were cleaned, but the rubber mat didn’t clean well so money was refunded. Looking into a better way to clean it next spring.

Lonnie Farrington has not come to look at the roof or leak in the basement, Jessie Frank fixed it.

Jessie will talk to Jamie Burrell about the UV light alternative.

The new insurance agent couldn’t come to the meeting today, hopefully he can attend the next meeting. Papers were sent to review.

New Business: Governor Kathy Hocul signed into legislation that virtual meetings can still be attended as long as minutes are taken.

“Books through Bars” is an organization that donates used books to prisons. Karen Zale will look into this as a way to dispose of discarded books and report back next meeting.

Library parking signs for patrons and for the director may be needed with the increased use of the parking lot by patrons of the coffee shop. Jessie will look into this.

Period of public expression: none

Karen Zale moved to adjourn the meeting and Pat Schwartz seconded. Motion carried at 4:15 P.M.

Next meeting Friday October 15, 2022 3:30 P.M.

September 2021 Board of Trustees Minutes