Blount Library Board Minutes

____October 21, 2022________

Members Present:

Jessie Frank, director
Kirstin Brown
Beth Chase
Pat Schwartz
Linda Tanner
Melissa Willey
Karen Zale
Absent: Kim Palmatier and Terri Werwinski

The meeting was called to order at Melissa Willey at 4:02 pm

The Secretary’s report was previously submitted via email by Beth Chase, Secretary. Kirsten Brown motioned to accept it and Karen Zale seconded. The motion was carried.

The Treasurer’s report: In Kim’s absence, Jessie Frank let us know that Kim will be working on the Workman’s Comp Insurance Audit with Janice Snyder, and official minutes will be forthcoming either by email or at the next meeting.

The Director’s report: Jessie Frank had the following to report:

Annual Meeting for the Library System – Jessie was sick and did not attend
Trunk or Treat is Sunday, October 30th from 2 – 4 pm. Melissa volunteered her trunk and time and Kirsten volunteered to assist. The theme will be Charlotte’s Web.
In Tandem – we have two guys coming in for 2 hours every Tuesday. Jessie will have them assist with leaf raking next week, wood cleaning at some point, and beginning in November, inventory.
Don Watkins has updated our minutes online
Construction Grant for next year has been submitted – Painting outside was the request
Parking lot was resurfaced October 9th and we are just waiting on the lines to be finished
November will be the budget approval – see “New Business for Next Meeting”

Karen Zale moved to accept the director’s report- Pat Schwartz seconded. Motion carried.

Communications: N/A

Grant Committee: N/A

Old Business: N/A

New Business for next meeting:

Budget Approval for November

2 hour trustee training needs to be scheduledPeriod for Public Expression: N/A

Melissa Willey moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:17 pm and Beth Chase seconded it. The motion was passed.

Next Meeting: Friday, November 18th 4:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Chase



October 2022