December 16, 2022

Members Present: 

Jessie Frank, Director
Kirstin Brown Via Zoom
Beth Chase Via Zoom
Kim Palmatier
Pat Schwartz
Linda Tanner
Terri Werwinski
Melissa Willey
Absent: Karen Zale 

The meeting was called to order at 4:07 pm by President, Melissa Willey.  

The Secretary’s report was previously submitted via email. Kim Palmatier motioned to accept it and Linda Tanner seconded. The motion was carried. 

The Treasurer’s report: was read by Kim Palmatier. Kirstin Brown moved to accept the report and Linda Tanner seconded. The motion was carried. To note: Taxes had not yet been received and Kim will pursue those in person. 

The Budget, which had been previously shared via email, was discussed and we went over a few items which had changed in some way. Any questions were asked and answered. Pam Schwartz moved to accept the Budget, and Terri Werwinski seconded the motion. All were in favor, the budget passed. 

The Director’s report: Jessie Frank had the following to report: 

Donation of $200 from the Teacher’s Association – used to purchase new children’s booksWe borrowed the Village sound system for tree lighting, however, it did not work Tai Chi continues! 

Toddler Time continues! 

There is still some issues with the door, as well as an outstanding bill, but Jessie is working on getting them (D & S Glass) back to fix it prior to us paying the bill in full 

TechTime continues! 

Changing hours had been tossed around, but we are leaving the hours as they are. We have a social worker come in 1 night a week 

We have One Stop coming in 1 night a week 

and Alzheimer’s Group came in 1 time last month 

Food for Fines – This will be January or February. For every item contributed, that will equate to $1.00 off your fine bill (current fines are $0.10 per day for books and $1.00 per day for movies. Once $25.00 is reached then it is sent to collections. (Our cost for to the collection agency, is a percentage of the amount recovered 

Upcoming Closures: December 23-26, 2022 and January 1-2, 2023 Lisa will do Tia Chia on New Year’s Eve 

Trustee training – we will work on this in 2023

Pat Schwartz moved to accept the director’s report Kim Palmatier seconded. Motion carried. Communications: NA 

Grant Committee: Don Watkins and Jessie Frank will be submitting a Peguin Random House Grant. This would be a $1,000 grant for children’s Non Fiction books. It corresponds with the summer reading program and Countries Around the World 

Old Business: 

New Business for next meeting:  

Period for Public Expression: NA 

At 4:35 we went into and Executive Session to discuss a raise for the librarian. We determined to do the same as last year and give a 3% raise, and a $100 Christmas gift. Kirstin Brown motioned to accept and Pat  Schwartz seconded. All approved. 

Melissa Willey moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:38 pm and Beth Chase seconded it. The motion was  passed. 

Next Meeting: Friday, January 20th, 2023 at 4:00 pm Respectfully Submitted,  

Beth Chase

December 2022